Executive Division
From the Chair - March 2019
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Mon, 2019-03-11 10:09Due to the large volume of business, we needed to conduct to both meet our obligations to advance the normal work of the Board, and consider all of the matters highlighted in the agency’s Sunset Report, the Board met for two days in February. The first day was an extended workshop with in-depth discussions of policy and process matters and the second was equally detailed but included votes directing action on a variety of issues the members determined needed specific attention and guidance from the Board.
From The Commissioner - October 2018
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Thu, 2018-10-18 13:18The agency has had quite a busy summer and the fall continues to bring a steady stream of challenges. As we continue working through all the issues which arise, especially through the Sunset process, know that we remain fully committed to exploring every effective option available to improve this agency’s performance. First and foremost, our mission has not changed and our dedication to accomplish it in the most effective, efficient and transparent manner is shared by our policymakers and our staff team.
Sunset Commission Staff Report Published
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Wed, 2018-10-03 14:47The Sunset Commission has published on its website the Staff Report for the Texas Real Estate Commission and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. The Commission and Board will hold a joint meeting on October 12th in Austin to coordinate the Agency’s written response. As always, the meeting will be streamed live on our websites.
From the Chair - September 2018
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Thu, 2018-09-06 11:34August has burned away and early September is here. I trust your summer was productive and your fall will allow a change of pace. The agency is preparing for a full season of policy considerations.
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From the Commissioner: A Progress Report to Agency Stakeholders
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Thu, 2018-07-12 15:42The agency has committed to implement a variety of measures to improve our customer service. This is a quick review of what we have done so far and what additional steps remain to be implemented to enhance our responsiveness.
Another TALCB Win for Consumers
Submitted by Dione Frederick on Mon, 2018-05-21 13:18AUSTIN, TX - The Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) is pleased to announce an important win for consumers in Texas. Former real estate appraiser trainee, James P. Edwards, has been indicted in Tarrant County District Court on 16 different felony counts. This criminal prosecution protects Texas consumers from Edwards’ illegal and deceptive appraisal activities.
The Sunset Review of the Texas Real Estate Commission and Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Fri, 2018-04-20 10:13The mission and performance of the Texas Real Estate Commission and Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board are under review by the Legislature as required under the Texas Sunset Act. The Act provides that the Sunset Commission, composed of legislators and public members, periodically evaluate a state agency to determine if the agency is still needed and to explore ways to ensure that the agency's funds are well spent. Based on the recommendations of the Sunset Commission, the Texas Legislature ultimately decides whether an agency continues to operate into the future.