The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board met December 2 and heard updates from staff, discussed the new partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division to each review consumer complaints that allege appraisal bias, and adopted and proposed changes to rules.
Two New AMC Advisory Committee Appointees
The Appraisal Management Companies Advisory Committee advises TALCB and makes recommendations on matters relating to the regulation of appraisal management companies. Gov. Greg Abbott reappointed Julia Hayes and appointed Frank Towery, Jr., for terms set to expire on January 31, 2024.
Quadrennial Rule Review
Texas law requires state agencies, including the Board, to undergo a comprehensive rule review every four years. During this process, the Board reviews all currently enacted rules to determine if they should be continued, amended, or repealed.
Adopted Rule Changes
All adopted rule changes are part of the agency's quadrennial rule review for Chapter 159. The adopted amendments better reflect TALCB procedures and division names and simplify and clarify where needed. Adopted changes include:
159.52, Fees: The adopted amendments to 159.52 clarify the applicability of the online convenience fee required by the Department of Information Resources.
159.201, Guidelines for Revocation, Suspension, or Denial of a License: The adopted amendments to 159.201 clarify the guidelines apply to all disciplinary actions and are not limited to revocation, suspension or denial, correct a reference to the Texas Appraisal Management Company Registration and Regulation Act; specify who can sign an agreed order in lieu of the chair of the Board, should the chair not be available or need to recuse him or herself; and provide for the Commissioner to designate who may sign an agreed resolution on his or her behalf.
159.3, Appraisal Management Company Advisory Committee: The adopted amendments to 159.3 extend the date for the AMC advisory committee to continue to exist to coincide with the next deadline to complete the quadrennial rule review.
The Board also closed the review of Chapter 159 and has completed its quadrennial rule review.
Proposed Rules and Rule Changes
The Board proposed new rules that remove the sanctions guidelines from the complaint processing rule and make it into a separate rule. Written comments on the proposed rule changes are now being accepted. The earliest the rules could be adopted is at the TALCB Meeting on February 3, 2023.
- Use the public comment tool to submit your comments.
- Send comments via email.
- Mail comments to: General Counsel, Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188.
Where to Find Meeting Materials
View the agenda and meeting materials on our website. The next TALCB Meeting is in Austin on February 3, 2023, at 9 a.m. CT.