The first Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) meeting of 2024 happened February 23. Some of the highlights include three new adopted rules, TALCB’s director joining the appraisal bias discussion at the federal level, and a call for public comments that could determine future Board-issued guidance.
First, the Board elected member Mark McAnally as secretary and member Martha Gayle Reid Lynch as vice-chair. The two previously held those positions.
Then TALCB Executive Director Chelsea Buchholtz announced the agency is under a “compliance review” by the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC). She welcomed its staff members who watched the Board’s meeting via livestream. They will visit TALCB in person in April. This kind of review is done every two years. The ASC periodically monitors each state appraiser regulatory body to maintain oversight. Read more about the ASC’s work online.
Federal Recognition
TALCB Director Melissa Tran testified at an ASC hearing in Washington D.C., on February 13. She provided information on how TALCB is reducing barriers to entering the industry, gave feedback on the ASC grant process, and more.
“We shared how we work so hard to reduce barriers to entry,” said Director Tran as she recapped her ASC hearing experience for the Board. “So, in Texas when you come here it's going to be easier than any other state, but still, we get questions every day from trainees saying it's still really hard. So, what could they [federal officials] do at their level?”
“Some of my recommendations include:
- Examining the qualifications criteria, because no matter what we [as Texas appraiser regulators] do here we still have to apply the federal minimum.
- Giving states more flexibility and support through grants.”
Director Tran first begins speaking at the 20:07 time mark of the hearing’s recording. She also provides a summary of her experience at the 53:46 time mark of the Board’s meeting recording.
New Rules
The first relates to the administration of the agency. Changes to 22 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 151 Sections 1-7 include amendments for consistency and ease of reading.
Criminal History Checks, License Reinstatement
Section 153.12, Criminal History Checks, was amended to better reflect the criminal history check process—language that is no longer applicable was removed.
The changes to Section 153.16, License Reinstatement, include removing the re-examination requirement for reinstatement, and the rule now specifies when an applicant must demonstrate experience in compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
AMCs: Don’t Be Late
The changes made to Section 159.110, AMC National Registry, allow for greater flexibility in addressing instances where an appraisal management company (AMC) fails to pay the national registry fee—an AMC could be placed on inactive status.
The new rules go into effect March 17. More details on their changes are in the Meeting Materials.
Your Opinion is Requested by the Board
Board members discussed the potential for issuing an advisory opinion on whether it is a recognized method to deduct debt services when calculating Net Operating Income in determining market value of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties.
Find out more details and the deadline for submitting feedback on this topic.
The Board meets again in Austin on May 10.