Governor Abbott has signed the Texas Appraiser Certification Board (TALCB) housekeeping bill, SB 1007 into law. This bill affects many aspects of Chapter 1103 of the Texas Occupations Code, which is the governing chapter for Texas appraisers. Some key changes are described below; to read the bill in its entirety please refer to the Texas Legislature’s website.
To better reflect the independent policy-making status of TALCB, the bill extended the terms of the Board members from two to six years and adds other provisions similar to those of other statewide policy bodies. In addition, the AMC Advisory Committee has been expanded from three members to five members to more effectively handle the workload anticipated by federal rulemaking.
The bill grants the Board the authority to implement the federal AQB criminal history check requirements for appraisers which will become effective January 1, 2017. The bill also contains provisions which allow the agency to keep the complaint investigation files confidential during the investigation process. It also clarifies that allegations made against appraisers are not considered “complaints” until verified by investigators. This protects license holders from the effects of frivolous or retaliatory acts, including loss of work.
Board members and key staff make regular presentations to groups of license holders to provide valuable substantive updates on laws, rules and recent disciplinary trends. Specific authorization was given to TALCB to ensure such presentations may be eligible for continuing education credit.
The bill grants the Board the authority to approve appraiser education providers, instructors and courses. This ensures convenient access to high quality of education courses in Texas. In addition, the bill codifies the current Board policy that restricts all administrative penalties to a fund dedicated to developing education opportunities or research that will protect Texans.
The Texas Legislature established the TALCB in order to safeguard consumers in matters of real property appraisal services provided by appraisers and appraisal management companies. This vital legislation gives clarification to several aspects of the statute and ensures continued consumer protection by TALCB.