The next regular quarterly meeting of the TALCB is just around the corner and it promises some unusual excitement. Please note that the importance of this meeting is emphasized by the fact that an appraiser credential holder may receive up to four hours of appraiser continuing education (ACE) for attending the entire meeting. This is the year for the Board to undergo strategic planning, rule review and a special Sunset Commission evaluation. The ASC team is already on site and by Friday will complete its biennial compliance review.
Board staff has set new efficiency records in the investigation and resolution of complaints and experience audits and is proud to share these accomplishments with ASC and the Board.
Just last week, the Appraiser Qualification Board (AQB) announced its adoption of new qualifying education and experience equivalencies that will become effective at the federal level on May 1, 2018. A plan for how TALCB will respond to this added flexibility will be introduced at the Board meeting on Friday. Also under discussion is the potential adoption and implementation of a new program allowing supervisory appraisers to oversee more than three trainees at one time if certain monitoring safeguards are adhered to. Once again, the Board is adding more flexibility to the regulatory structure to promote the health and growth of the market. While completing our strategic plan this Spring, we will continue to look for additional ways to remove barriers and red tape. We invite your contributions to this ongoing effort. Also plan to join us for the 2nd Annual Texas Residential Realty Summit in Austin on April 2 to earn up to five hours of ACE while exploring the impact of natural disasters on the residential realty market. Details are found elsewhere in this newsletter. We trust you’ll continue to offer inputs as we aim high!