Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board Mentors are an essential component in ensuring appraiser competency. Mentors are licensed appraisers who have 10 or more years of experience, no disciplinary history, and are certified Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) instructors or approved instructors for other recognizable appraiser designations.
A complaint filed against an appraiser may result in a Final Order, an Agreed Order, or contingent dismissal agreement that requires the license holder to participate in the mentoring program. Sometimes, remedial training is required for prospective applicants as part of approval for their licensure. In either instance, prospective mentees are provided with a list of TALCB Mentors.
TALCB Mentors work one-on-one with appraisers to improve their competency through:
- Heightened awareness of, understanding, and correct use of those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal; and
- Increased familiarity and understanding of the relationship between the application of the appraisal process and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (and laws and regulations of the State of Texas).
TALCB Mentors are not employees of the Board and may negotiate and receive compensation directly from mentees. TALCB Mentors serve a two-year term with the possibility of reapplying at the end of each term.
Why Serve as a TALCB Mentor?
Potential TALCB Mentors often have questions about the program and wonder, "What’s in it for me?" Here, current TALCB Mentors share their experience.
It’s Unique to Texas
"As real estate appraisers, we were all mentored along the way. Being a TALCB Mentor is a great way to give back to the profession by helping good appraisers become even better.
"Mentorship has introduced me to some great real estate appraisers and has helped me to learn different ways to approach different problems. There is a great deal of satisfaction in helping someone learn a different approach to a common problem. It is a position I can be proud to hold.
"The mentorship program is not available in other states; it is something very unique and beneficial to Texas Appraisers. Mentoring is not very time consuming, but it is very rewarding. You will not get rich from mentoring, but you do get paid for your time. Since appraisers can be required to take the mentorship hours in certain topics, one might think the appraisers would find it a waste of his/her time. I have never had an appraiser tell me it was wasted time. Conversely, every appraiser I have mentored through the program has learned something and been grateful for the education.
"Being appointed as a TALCB Mentor comes with a great responsibility, but also comes with a great deal of respect from those in our profession. I am very proud to be associated with such a program. As an educator and course developer, I have been able to see firsthand what practical knowledge and skills need to be taught to real estate appraisers. Mentoring has become one of my avenues for my business model as a result."
Pamela Teel, MNAA, ATA-G, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor, IDEC Certified Distance Educator, Member, TALCB Mentor Panel
It’s Beneficial for the Appraisal Profession—And Business
"I serve on this program because it allows me to discover what is truly going on with an appraiser. Since we are one-on-one, they can open up to me as they never would in a classroom environment with everyone listening in. We can focus on the issues that they may be struggling with rather than an entire class on many topics they already know about. This program allows me to address what is specifically needed.
"When the sessions are completed, the mentees appreciate what was discussed—more times than not, they actually learn something—and that is more rewarding than teaching a classroom of students who are there because they want the hours to renew their licenses.
"There is obviously a time commitment as a TALCB Mentor, as it takes time away from your everyday schedule. Mentors have to schedule a time to meet with a mentee. Most mentorship sessions can be completed in one day, often half a day. Like any educational class, the instructor must prepare and be ready to discuss those topics needing to be discussed. As is so with the mentorship sessions.
"The cons that I have experienced: Let’s face it—no one likes to have a complaint filed against them. No one likes to be told they are doing something wrong. … Every once in a while, there will be an appraiser who wants to blame TALCB Enforcement for the situation they are in. Mentors need to be prepared for that type of response and be able to move forward versus waddle around in the past. Since the inception of the Mentorship Program, I have had only two appraisers who wanted to take their frustrations out on me.
"The pros: Turning those appraisers around to see that there are other ways of doing things. There are many different techniques that can be used. It is very satisfying to see and hear these appraisers appreciate learning something.
"Being a TALCB Mentor has opened the door for others to contact me. Some have not been contacted by TALCB; no complaint filed, nothing—they are simply looking for some guidance. Some are trainees looking to become licensed ask for pointers on how to be better at what they do. Again, this is time away from what I do each day, and appraisers and trainees are willing to compensate me for the amount of time we spend together.
"Do I recommend serving as a TALCB Mentor? 100%! It does take time, and sometimes some thick skin. But to see the light come on when I’m giving some guidance or instruction? For me, there is nothing like it!"
Bobby W. Crisp, Crisp Appraisal Service, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor, Certified Residential Appraiser, Co-founder, Chairman of the Board, Association of Texas Appraisers (ATA), Co-founder, National Association of Appraisers (NAA), USAF Veteran
It’s a Way to Expand Your Knowledge and Your Network
"I was one of the original members of the mentoring program when initiated by the TALCB and since that time have had the pleasure of mentoring many appraisers over the years. Virtually everyone I mentored expressed gratitude for the mentoring at the conclusion of the sessions because in their mind, they gained knowledge about standards of practice that made them a better appraiser by having a better understanding of recognized methods and techniques and areas within appraisal practice they previously struggled with.
"Mentors are teachers. We share our knowledge of appraisal standards and practices and even though I have been teaching USPAP for over two decades and teaching appraisal principles and practices for over three decades, prior to a mentoring session I still review the areas to be covered with the appraiser, whether it involves sections of USPAP or recognized methods and techniques in appraisal development and/or reporting, which in turn reinforces my knowledge as an appraiser and instructor.
"Serving as a mentor over the years has enriched my life experience, as well as exposed me to many appraisers around the state I would not have otherwise had an opportunity to get to know. The mentoring sessions provide an opportunity to form a bond with other appraisers in the profession, some who have actually become a resource, making their acquaintance an additional win-win for everyone involved.
"I definitely believe my participation in the mentoring program has enhanced my professional career. I am an appraiser and consultant—a resource for clients, appraisers, and non-appraisers to seek answers to problems and issues they encounter and to provide competent services for. Because mentoring might involve any aspect of appraisal practice or USPAP compliance, I am constantly refreshing and enhancing my knowledge of appraisal standards and practices as well as my effectiveness in communicating that knowledge and experience."
Greg Stephens, SRA AI-RRS, MNAA, CDEI, Nationally Recognized Valuation Compliance, Certified AQB USPAP Instructor