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Mission Moment: Parting Words From Chair Sara Oates

In anticipation of my official term ending in late January 2025, I wanted to take a moment to reflect and give thanks to all who have made my five years as Board Chair one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

In 2019 when I was appointed, it came sort of as a surprise to me, but being a fourth-generation Texan and a second-generation appraiser, it made perfect sense. I have been honored to serve both my state and my community.

Watch Our First Webinar: The Dollars and Sense of Becoming an Appraiser Supervisor

There's a shortage of appraiser supervisors for prospective appraiser trainees, which means it’s hard for more appraisers to make headway in the industry. The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) hosted a webinar on Wednesday, October 16 at 1 p.m. CT. to discuss the ins and outs of appraiser supervision. This webinar also provided key information for aspiring appraisers. Topics included:

New and Proposed Rules, PAREA, Appraiser Qualifications Review: Meeting Recap

The Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) met August 16 to consider adopting amendments to one rule and proposing amendments to eight others. The highlights also include an update on the new and continually improving Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal (PAREA) from the mouth of its only current provider, the Appraisal Institute (AI).

A Look at the Data on Complaint Investigations

In the last four pages of the Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board’s (TALCB) staff reports is the section on enforcement. For fiscal year 2023 (July ’22–⁠July ’23) less than four percent of license holders were the subject of a formal complaint filed with the Board, less than one percent of license holders received formal discipline, and typically more than 90 percent of complaints received are dismissed.

New Info on PAREA as Launch Dates Get Closer

There is more demand than supply. Hands-on experience is a requirement to become a real property appraiser, however the Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) has fielded numerous calls from appraiser trainees expressing frustration over there not being enough resources for them to fulfill experience requirements. 

Aspiring Appraisers: Texas is 1 of 5 States With no Additional Licensure Requirements

The Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) understands that becoming a licensed appraiser can be difficult. Minimum federal requirements consist of hundreds of hours of education, thousands of hours of experience, and an exam; also, each state has a right to impose its own requirements. TALCB does not want to make it any harder on aspiring appraisers to get licensed, especially when the industry is facing an appraiser shortage. 


TALCB May Meeting Recap: Addressing Bias, PAREA Launches, new Online Resources

The Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board met on Friday May 19 at headquarters in Austin. TALCB Chair, Sarah Oates, opened the meeting by welcoming new Board Member John H. Eichelberger, III. Chair Oates also thanked outgoing Board Member Clayton Black for his service and acknowledged the reappointment of Board Member Rolando Castro. 


“Texas is ahead of this issue especially with our partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission,” said TALCB Commissioner Chelsea Buchholtz as she presented to the Board highlights of agency operations.

Appointees officially confirmed to the Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board

The Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) is pleased to welcome John H. Eichelberger, III as a new member, and the reappointment of Rolando Castro. Both were confirmed by the Texas Senate on April 26, 2023. Texas Governor Greg Abbott appointed them with terms set to expire on January 31, 2029. 

Rolando Castro

of Cypress, Texas is a director at Cushman & Wakefield, a real estate company. He is also an MAI-designated member of the Appraisal Institute.