Work Files No Longer Automatically Required For Audits
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Tue, 2020-06-30 11:23As part of the Board’s ongoing effort to reduce burdens on applicants, TALCB changed the experience audit process. TALCB will no longer automatically request a copy of work files at the start of the audit process. Appraisal reports will now be reviewed for general USPAP compliance and competency when they are submitted. If necessary, TALCB may request a copy of work files after the initial review to complete the audit.
Licensing Exam Sites Re-Opening
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Mon, 2020-04-27 21:22TALCB and Pearson VUE announce licensing exam centers to slowly re-open around the state after swift closure in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. TALCB partners with Pearson VUE to offer licensing examinations. Pearson VUE operates both company-owned exam sites and third party sites. TALCB has authorized the use of all Pearson VUE third party sites to expand exam capacity during this unprecedented time. All sites continue to enforce social distancing measures and safety requirements in line with local jurisdictions. Due to social distancing requirements, exam sites are operat
Impact of COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2020-04-03 10:43The agency continues to evaluate the impact COVID-19 may have on all aspects of agency operations, including those related to the regulatory and licensing functions of the agency.
TALCB is Open for Business
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Thu, 2020-04-02 12:11COVID-19 has impacted daily life as we know it. In the midst of this crisis, the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) has worked to ensure continued service to license holders and the public while protecting our employees. As a result, our physical offices in Austin are closed to the public, and staff and operations have transitioned to working remotely.
From the Commissioner - December 2019
Submitted by Dione Frederick on Fri, 2019-12-20 12:31December is upon us and the Holiday Season has begun in earnest. From our agency to your offices and homes, we wish you all the very best of blessings of the Season and a prosperous New Year in 2020. At TREC & TALCB we are celebrating the selection of our next Executive Director and Commissioner who will take on those responsibilities effective January 1st.
Big Changes to Criminal History Process to Benefit You
Submitted by Tony Slagle on Fri, 2019-12-06 16:25Effective January 2, 2020, TREC and TALCB will activate the FBI rap back program for all of the Agency’s license holders.
What is the FBI Rap Back Program?
The FBI rap back program allows TREC and TALCB to receive criminal history information on our license holders in real-time. This replaces the Agency's current practice of performing a subsequent background check at the time of a license holder's renewal.
From the Commissioner - November 2019
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Thu, 2019-11-07 14:41November has arrived, the World Series is done, NFL Football is halfway over, and the extended Holiday season is just around the corner. Before you know it, Thanksgiving Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter solstice, Christmas and New Year’s will be upon us, affording each of us at least one tradition to celebrate.
Appraiser and AMC Fee Survey Results Announced
Submitted by Dione Frederick on Wed, 2019-09-25 15:06TALCB is pleased to announce the results of the 2019 Appraiser and AMC Fee Survey. TALCB engaged the Hobby School of Public Affairs at the University of Houston to conduct a survey to learn more about the practices of appraisers and appraisal management companies (AMCs) that operate in the state of Texas.
Announcing the Application Status Tracker!
Submitted by Christine Anderson on Mon, 2019-08-05 11:25TALCB is pleased to announce the launch of our new application status tracker!
This new tool is an easy way for anyone to track the status of initial applications, reducing delays and confusion about what comes next. This new tool is available for all appraiser license types, including Appraiser Trainees.