Alternate Names: "PRADHAN, IMELDA", "LIN, IMELDA"
Sales Agent, License #714081
Delegated Supervisor
License Status
Expiration Date
Sponsoring Broker
Sponsor Date
License #
License Type
Real Estate LLC
Expiration Date
This license holder may be subject to Continuing Education (CE) Requirements, which require completion of 18 hours of CE courses per license period, including the 4-hr TREC Legal Update I and the 4-hr TREC Legal Update II courses, 3-hr contract-related coursework and, if applicable, the 6-hr TREC Broker Responsibility course. Courses cannot be duplicated within the term of a renewal period. See TREC Rule §535.92.
Real Estate Education History
Course Date | Course Number | Course Name | Subject | Provider Name | Hours |
01/23/25 | 51174 | What's in the One To Four Contract? | Contracts | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 3 |
01/10/25 | 33058 | Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMA | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 8 |
10/04/24 | 47601 | Legal Update II (2024-2025) | Legal Update II | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 4 |
09/20/24 | 49854 | Contracts - Changes in Compensation | Contracts | Texas Real Estate Continuing Education | 3 |
09/13/24 | 47600 | Legal Update I (2024-2025) | Legal Update I | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 4 |
07/26/24 | 48565 | Mastering The Art Of CMA's | RE CE Elective | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 4 |
07/18/24 | 47095 | How To Become the listing queen/king of your neighborhood | RE CE Elective | The Royal Tutor of Real Estate | 2 |
07/18/24 | 48507 | Farming to Grow Your Business | RE CE Elective | Stewart Title South Texas Division | 2 |
07/03/24 | 46627 | The Forms You Need To Know | Contracts | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
04/11/24 | 46131 | Unleash AI in Real Estate Marketing | RE CE Elective | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 2 |
04/10/24 | 46992 | The Power of Exchange | RE CE Elective | Asset Preservation, Inc. | 1 |
01/09/24 | 45477 | Agents, Use Video to Brand Yourself! | RE CE Elective | Stewart Title South Texas Division | 2 |
09/15/23 | 46598 | Understanding Contracts & Forms | Contracts | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 4 |
09/14/23 | 42516 | Earnest Money Disputes: An Unfortunate Reality | Contracts | Tiago Title, LLC | 1 |
11/02/22 | 44535 | Contracts: TREC 1 to 4 Family Contract | Contracts | Lloyd Hampton Real Estate Education | 3 |
09/06/22 | 43051 | Differentiating Yourself from the Competition | RE CE Elective | Stewart Title South Texas Division | 3 |
09/01/22 | 42040 | Legal Update II (2022-2023) | Legal Update II | RealStar-U, LLC | 4 |
08/24/22 | 42039 | Legal Update I (2022-2023) | Legal Update I | RealStar-U, LLC | 4 |
03/30/22 | 42080 | MUD 101 | RE CE Elective | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 2 |
01/28/22 | 41462 | Overcoming the Down Payment Hurdle | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 1 |
11/18/21 | 39651 | The NAR Code of Ethics | RE CE Elective | Texas REALTORS | 3 |
09/16/21 | 39255 | Business Planning Clinic II | RE CE Elective | The Business School for Real Estate Professionals | 2 |
08/11/21 | 40914 | Build Your Real Estate Marketing Plan | RE CE Elective | Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate | 3 |
02/26/21 | 37992 | Certified Luxury Home marketing Specialist Training | RE CE Elective | The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, L.P. | 15 |
11/19/20 | 35941 | Anatomy of a 1-4 Contract | Contracts | RealStar-U, LLC | 3 |
10/29/20 | 930 | Real Estate Investment: Principles | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
08/13/20 | 851 | Property Management | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
07/30/20 | 35505 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Galvanized Piping | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
07/15/20 | 36334 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Foundation | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
07/14/20 | 39340 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Siding | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
07/09/20 | 35507 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Stucco Inspections | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
07/08/20 | 37143 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Pool Inspections | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
07/01/20 | 35606 | Realtor Safety and Personal Awareness Training | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
06/10/20 | 36823 | Understanding Newer Homes: For Real Estate Agents | RE CE Elective | Preferred Systems, Inc. | 1 |
06/03/20 | 39339 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Grading and Drainage | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
05/28/20 | 36331 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Roofing and Flashing | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
05/27/20 | 35824 | Understanding Residential Electrical Inspections | RE CE Elective | Preferred Systems, Inc. | 2 |
05/13/20 | 36333 | How to Interpret the Home Inspection Report | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
05/12/20 | 37147 | Specialized Home Inspection Topics: Attic Inspections | RE CE Elective | Mary LeMaster | 1 |
05/07/20 | 38869 | Mold: What You Need to Know & How to REad Air Sampling Reports | RE CE Elective | Preferred Systems, Inc. | 1 |
05/01/20 | 36580 | Everything You Need to Know About the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act | RE CE Elective | The Bond and Brown Law Firm | 1 |
05/01/20 | 36523 | Listing Homes for Disabled or Deceased Clients | RE CE Elective | The Bond and Brown Law Firm | 1 |
04/27/20 | 37797 | Legal Update II (2020-2021) | Legal Update II | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 4 |
04/02/20 | 545 | Real Estate Marketing: Commercial Real Estate | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
02/21/20 | 34238 | HAR MLS Platinum Tools to Enhance Your Real Estate Business | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
02/18/20 | 37796 | Legal Update I (2020-2021) | Legal Update I | RealStar-U, LLC | 4 |
12/05/19 | 38012 | Foundation Repairs As They Relate to Real Estate Transactions | RE CE Elective | Thomas M Kidd | 3 |
10/09/19 | 33545 | Matrix Overview Part 2 - Customization | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/09/19 | 35588 | CMA Price it Right Matrix | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
10/02/19 | 33544 | Matrix Overview Part 1 - Getting Started | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 3 |
09/09/19 | 33539 | Mobile MLS | RE CE Elective | Houston Association of REALTORS | 2 |
08/19/18 | 1251 | Law of Contracts | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
06/24/18 | 1151 | Law of Agency | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
04/29/18 | 451 | Real Estate Finance | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
03/25/18 | 122 | Principles of Real Estate II | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
02/04/18 | 351 | Promulgated Contract Forms | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |
06/19/16 | 121 | Principles of Real Estate I | Qualifying RE Topics | Champions School of Real Estate, LTD | 30 |